Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Introducing Jared Williams

Hello everyone, my name is Jared Williams. This is the start of my third year of college, but my second semester at city tech. Last semester I declared computer systems technology as my major. I decided majored in CST because I grew up surrounded by computers. I hope to achieve high grades in this class,  and am very motivated to apply myself, as this is the last math course I will need toward my major.

1 Comment

  1. Kate Poirier

    Hi Jared! I’m glad you’ve figured out which math classes you need to take. If you end up pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in CST, you’ll end up taking Discrete Structures and Algorithms I and II (MAT 2440 & 2540). These are interesting courses because they take the kinds of topics we talk about in Precalculus and apply them to writing code. Even if you don’t have to take these courses, you might want to consider taking them as electives if you have room in your schedule because they give you a good foundation in the theory behind a lot of stuff that pops up in computer software and hardware.

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