Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Introducing Alejandro Xie

My name is Alejandro Xie and I am in the CST major. This is my second semester here. I became interested in my major due to taking drafting and electronics courses while I was in high school. My favorite book genre is Sci-Fi / Fantasy, and my favorite series is GONE, by Michael Grant. Also, Harry Potter is still a childhood series I re-read from time to time. I hope to achieve a high grade in this class and apply these math skills in the future.


  1. KatieSalas

    Hey Alejandro, I also am a big fan of Sci-fi. One of my favorite authors is Ursula Le Guin. I don’t know Grant, but I’ll check him out.

  2. Kate Poirier

    Hi Alejandro! That’s interesting that your drafting course motivated you to get into computers.

    I haven’t read much science fiction myself, but I *think* I *might* be ready to try it. I’m a fan of magical realism and I like it when there’s a little bit of weirdness in the stories I read. I have Ursula Le Guin and Octavia Butler on my to-read list (though my to-read list is very very long, so it might take a while before I get to them!).

  3. Alejandro Paez

    Hey Alejandro! You already know this but we have the same name and I do also like the Harry Potter series. I hope you get that high grade you want!

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