My name is Paulina Nawiesniak. I am originally from Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland. I immigrated to United States at 12 years old.  At first, I wasn’t thrilled that I had to leave my country, but because my parents had better jobs we stayed. One of my biggest fears was my deficiency in the English language.  After mastering the English language through taking my many ESL classes, I excelled at my other courses and gained new friendships. I felt at ease and I found myself feeling more confident.

During my high school time I was very passionate about playing volleyball. I was a part of the Francis Lewis High School volleyball team and we had won the city championships for all years that I was apart of the team. Playing for this high school has granted me the MVP of New York City and PSAL Division Award. Moreover, due to my great succession in volleyball I gained myself a volleyball spot at the Hunter College Volleyball Team.  I ended my volleyball career due to my knee injuries and started focusing more about what will my future look like. I realized that Hunter College does not have the right major for me, so in December 2015 I decided it is time for me to move on and begin my learning at NYC College of Technology.

When I begin my first semester in NYC College of Technology, at first I wasn’t aware that this college offered Bachelors of Science in Professional and Technical Writing. I found myself very interested in this major and I went to visited the Professional and Technical Writing office and met with Dr. Ferdinand. She has influenced my decision to pursue my career and do my undergraduate in the Professional and Technical Writing major with specialization in Biology. She motivated me and assured me that I will be able to succeed in this major. Then, I started to get really excited and I begin my new road to the Bachelors of Science. I took all of the biology requirement for my specialization topic. I choose biology as I was always passionate about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Moreover, I started taking all of the PTW major course and I begin to notice how much I really like what I am doing. For the first time in a while, I finally felt fulfilled and satisfied that what I am doing is making me happy.

Right now, I am in my last semester of my undergraduate college career. It has been a long road, but I am happy that I got to experience every step of it at the NYC College of Technology. Weather it might have been easy at time and definitely hard and difficult, I am proud that I was able to get through all of it. I am definitely proud that I will be finishing soon, and continuing my education. I guess all I can say for now is that I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me…