Journal assingment 9 by Yojancer Ramirez.

I think I’ve always been undecided in poetry. I either like it or dislike it. A poem should bring a kind of a chill. I believe that poetry is a way of being in the world that wasn’t made for us like Jennifer Bartlett said. According to the journalist I just mentioned “poetry is the most organic art form; it does not require money or physical labor. A poem doesnā€™t need to follow any particular grammar rules; it is the record of oneā€™s own experience of the singular mind and/or body, a singular voice. For many of us, it is also a way of ā€œbeing in the world,ā€ a world that in many ways was not made for us and actively resists our participation. Through poetry, we are able to remake and reinvent that world.” And as you can see I think I have more reasons to like it, than dislike it.

Staceyann and Yojancer Ramirez

I initially was attracted to this poem by its title. On page 90 of Crossfire by Staceyann Chin. Ā To me, thirty would mean I am getting old, and it is something I am afraid to face.Ā  I was impressed that she finds that age a time of deeper self-discovery, in which she no longer fears who she is becoming but realizes that she stands in the linage of strong women who made it through their own perseverance.Ā  The second thing that attracted me is that the author is Jamaican American.Ā  Like her, I am Caribbean American.Ā  The author seems torn between her roots, and the people who stayed behind, and her mother, who had the courage to immigrate for economic opportunity.Ā  My father and I are the first in our family to move to the United States.Ā  Even though I became an American citizen, I find myself torn between the opportunity America offers me and my family and people l love in my native country.Ā  But the third thing about the poem that moves me is the idea of lineage.Ā  I know she is writing as a woman, who is receiving all the best of the women who have shaped her.Ā  But I was raised by a very strong stepmother.Ā  She had lupus, and she died of a heart attack when I was sixteen years old (16).Ā  Even though we were very poor, I never felt poor, because she always found a way to take care of us.Ā  She insisted that we study hard.Ā  She dreamed of a future for us. Even now, when I get discouraged, she is my motivation.Ā  I love that the author sees herself as a part of this flow of story.Ā  I hope to be a part of a similar flow as I grow older and make my way through life.

Journal assignment 7 by Yojancer Ramirez

My experience on writing Short story have been great, I like it the most cause I get to write a bout whatever story i decide to share, I can write it in third person like if its somebody else when its actually my own story and I enjoy doing it. I will always prefer writing short story over any other thing, just because it has been fairly easy and I can Ā let my imagination just fly and move all over my brain. Short Story are great and easy to understand.

Journal assingment 6 by Yojancer Ramirez

Right now this Ā situation got me scare last week before they get to cancelled a lot of flight and close the air-port my family decide to come to DR (Dominican Republic) since school was closing I realize that I could be taking my classes from here just using my computer, when I got there there was no cases of corona virus and now I have a week here and we have over 390 cases and 10 people that passed away because of the virus I’m still scare about this difficult times we living and I hope that after all this difficulties we can make it through and get to see a brighter day. At least I’m conformable here cause we stuck in the house my mom, dad , grandparents and sibling we eating a lot and talking to much sometimes I just get bored and spend the vast majority of my time sleeping when I’m done with homework and classes. I hope y’all guys are okay and please stay home and stay safe with family.

Journal Assignment 5 by Yojancer Ramirez

The most embarrasing moment and today after 14 years I still remember it was when I was 9 years old. I remember I came here to Dominican Republic and I went to a resort in Samana called “Bahia Principe” I Remember it was my first time in such a beautiful hotel meaning a Five stars hotel. I went to eat with my parents and I remember that mom and dad laughed a lot at me because I asked to many questions while we got to the restaurant it was buffet style, LOL I didn’t know what it mean, on a buffet style you can eat as many times as you want, oh man I was so innocent that I filled my plate thinking to take advantage of all that meat and I remember I put 5 pieces of chicken over rice in a single dish for myself and my mom started to laugh and I was like WTF is going on why you laughing at me she couldn’t explain to me why she was laughing, because of so many laugh she couldn’t speak so I started to cry. then I remember she grabbed the sit next to me and she say “My prince, in a buffet style you don’t need to take all that food at once you can grab a bit and if you’re not full yet you can go back and get more” my reaction was “jajajaja” but I laugh because I was so embarrassed I didn’t know how a buffet style works on a resort at the time. I hope you guys don’t laugh at me like my mom did but now a days I love telling this story and I came to DR on Sunday so the first thing my mom reminded me was this story I just shared with y’all.


Journal Assignment 4 (Brainstorm) by Yojancer Ramirez

  1. The first short story I have in mind is called “Dry September” is about a man of color called Will Mayes who has been accused by a woman called Minnie Cooper of assaulting her. In a barbershop several men have discuss the need to take justice into their own hands in order to defend the honor of Miss Cooper.
  2. Another interesting story is “A Rose for Emily” is about One of Faulknerā€™s most well-known works of short fiction tells a deceptively simple story about how townspeople react to the death of its most eccentric and mysterious old recluse.
  3. And the last but not least, is “Race at morning” is about a young boy of around 12 years old and an old man who takes accompanies. and is trying to give the boy a lesson, and the lesson is to teach the kid that joy lies in the hunt, not the kill.

Journal Assignment 3 by Yojancer Ramirez

The great thing about memoirs is that you get to feel what you are writing once again. writing a memoir you get to tell your story in a personal way. You can get to focus on just a dew experiences or give your own history. And it should be a bit intimate and show your feelings. I like writing memoirs because I think that is a great way to express, I mean for people like me that do not enjoy talking with people personal things is a great idea to just start writing and show em feelings on the piece of paper.

Journal assignment 2 by Yojancer Ramirez

The only time that I have become anonymous is when my parents are arguing. It is not like they are trying to kill each other, just doing their talking and stop talking to each other for a couple doing after doing their talking. I know its funny (LOL). I have to become anonymous cause even though you know who is right and who’s wrong you just don’t pick sides and I was raised this way, when your parents are arguing you better get the F-word out of the way and do say nothing cause if you say something then it will be used against you. As you can see, I become anonymous when my parents are having mean conversations cause you just don’t want to get involve or just making any of them feel like you agree with one and not the other etc. My parents are great. the best parents in the world I love them both a lot and sometimes that is why I prefer to be anonymous and I think that this is the right call and I’m not sure if it is by choice or no I do it just because is better to stay in your place and let them solve their problems on their own.

Journal assignment 1 by Yojancer Ramirez

Iā€™m not a person that has a whole lot of friends. But the most important friendship I have is with my friend, Daiguel. I met him in 2013 (sophomore year) in high school we were at the gym. We were playing basketball and talking about our country’s weather and beauty I remember we each other was scared of the weather here in the United States and we knew That winter was very cold here. From this moment to date, we are always together and specially weekends we always together. I just donā€™t know how we connected to each other, it happened so fast. But this guy is very especial to me more than a friend he is my brother I donā€™t know if Iā€™t was because the comĆŗn things we shared or the way we protect each other in and out of school. Daiguel has shared happy and unhappy moments and has always kept it real. He has never pointed a finger to me and always has my back like I got his. What makes this friendship significant is that we never turn our backs when either of us need something, when I need to talk to someone I talk to him and heā€™s always trying to walk me through a good road. We have never faced any challenge in our friendship. But if there is any in the future I strongly believe that weā€™ll work it, because we more than friends we brothers and thereā€™s nothing stronger than brother hood.