Journal Assignment #2 by Nicholas Albanese

One time I can recall where I chose to remain anonymous was this year with my friend Cianni. In the beginning of the school semester, my friend Cianni had been struggling with having to walk with a cane. She had gotten into a car accident last year and she is still in the process of healing. Her accident has made it hard for her to walk without a cane and she isn’t able to walk long distances. This paired with her having to wake up early for school has made it tough for Cianni to make herself a breakfast in the morning. When I met her on the first day of this semester, I felt bad when she mentioned her situation. From that day on, I decided to help her with that in whatever way I could by bringing in breakfast for her or food that she could take home with her. I don’t know if her parents or anyone in her family knows that I am helping her so I can only assume that I am anonymous in this situation.

Journal Assignment 1 by Nicholas Albanese

Journal Assignment 1 by Nicholas Albanese

One of the most important friendships I have is with my friend, Cianni. I met Cianni in my first year of high school during art class. At that time, I was lonely and didn’t have many friends outside of one other friend name Elijah. When he introduced me to her, we started talking about art and our likes and dislikes. We became friends fast and soon, best friends.  We shared art together and talked about other things like relationships and the silly antics that our friends would get into. What makes this friendship significant to me is how we both relate and agree with each other on a lot of things. Every time we hang out, I feel like I can always have someone to share a laugh and enjoy time with. We enjoy each other’s company. Some of the challenges we’ve come across in this friendship is that I’m not always able to hang out with her. With our busy lives and the growing pressure that comes with being a college student, the load that we bear from school, work and responsibilities is huge. This, paired with our different schedules and Cianni having troubles with walking around and standing means that we can’t do activities that require a lot of walking. Despite that, I am still doing my part to be a good friend and spend time with her wherever and whenever I can.