Journal Assignment #10 by Nicholas Albanese

My experience with writing dialogue writing has been mixed. I say that it has been mixed because I feel that I neither liked nor disliked it. I enjoyed this experience because it forced me to step outside of my comfort zone of writing and write something I was unfamiliar with. Writing a dialogue piece forced me to create a scene without using a first or third person narrating device. Instead, I needed to approach writing a dialogue piece like how a screenwriter would approach writing a script for a play or movie. I had to establish things like the character’s emotions and little actions through supplementary text that doesn’t appear when the characters are actually speaking. It was enjoyable to write something wildly different from what I’m used to. However, I felt that it was somewhat cumbersome to have to rewrite the names of the characters over and over again in order to establish who was speaking in the moment. I also believed I could have done better in my own dialogue piece. I feel like I took too many liberties when revising the dialogue. Instead of making the dialogue take place over text messages, I made it take place in a particular setting. I’m not sure if this worked to hurt or enhance the dialogue piece.

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