Journal Assignment 4 (Brainstorm) by Yojancer Ramirez

  1. The first short story I have in mind is called “Dry September” is about a man of color called Will Mayes who has been accused by a woman called Minnie Cooper of assaulting her. In a barbershop several men have discuss the need to take justice into their own hands in order to defend the honor of Miss Cooper.
  2. Another interesting story is “A Rose for Emily” is about One of Faulkner’s most well-known works of short fiction tells a deceptively simple story about how townspeople react to the death of its most eccentric and mysterious old recluse.
  3. And the last but not least, is “Race at morning” is about a young boy of around 12 years old and an old man who takes accompanies. and is trying to give the boy a lesson, and the lesson is to teach the kid that joy lies in the hunt, not the kill.

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