Journal Assignment #2 by Nicholas Albanese

One time I can recall where I chose to remain anonymous was this year with my friend Cianni. In the beginning of the school semester, my friend Cianni had been struggling with having to walk with a cane. She had gotten into a car accident last year and she is still in the process of healing. Her accident has made it hard for her to walk without a cane and she isn’t able to walk long distances. This paired with her having to wake up early for school has made it tough for Cianni to make herself a breakfast in the morning. When I met her on the first day of this semester, I felt bad when she mentioned her situation. From that day on, I decided to help her with that in whatever way I could by bringing in breakfast for her or food that she could take home with her. I don’t know if her parents or anyone in her family knows that I am helping her so I can only assume that I am anonymous in this situation.

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