Discourse Community of Sofiur Rahman

Md Sofiur Rahman

Eng 1121


Prof. Jessica Penner

In our English class, we have defined the concept of a “discourse community” as a social group that communicates, in part, using written texts, but also shares common goals, values, writing standards, specialized vocabulary, and specialized genres. As we discussed in class discourse communities can be being on a sports team, being a member of a club, even where you work is also a type of discourse community. So for the discourse community map I have chosen a discourse community I have been in or that I am still in. As my discourse community I chose the most common one for me which is facebook because it is part of my everyday life.

Facebook is an online community in which you can communicate with friends and meet new people. To be a member on Facebook, first you have to make an account which is very simple, all you have to do is put your name, date of birth, gender, and email address. Once you make your account you can start looking for your friends and add them to your friend’s list, by doing this you will be able to comment their status and pictures and you will also be able to write on their walls. You can do many more things on Facebook besides that, you can add pictures and tag your friends, you can play games and compete against your friends, you can be invited to different events that are going on by your friends, and you can also send your friends bumper stickers and other funky things that you can post on their profile. I think Facebook is a very fun way to communicate not only with friends but also with family. It’s an online community that doesn’t have a formal way of writing because you can write how and whatever you want, you can write in English, Spanish, French, German or in any language you want.

The main goal of Facebook is fast and easy communication with friends and family. When I need to ask for example my cousin a question about anything I just write on his wall on facebook since he lives quite far I don’t see him often. Also, if you want to see interesting videos, gossip or anything similar, facebook has it all. Some of the typical genres would be all the comments people leave on walls, photos, videos or activities. You could also send a private message if you don’t want the whole world to see what you write. The norms for genres, however, are that no pornography is allowed as images or video, nor any copyright material. On Facebook, we also use a special language,we use abbreviations and smiley faces, not something that you would put on a well written report for example. Facebook is best for finding old friends. When a friend goes away to another place, we often do not get a chance to communicate with him or her. Now, thanks to Facebook, we are able to find and re-connect with our old ex-classmates, schoolmates, former teachers, college friends etc. We can share our feelings and what is happening in and around our daily life through facebook. We can also get feedback from our friends. It is the best medium to share your thoughts and feelings with others.

So Facebook was the discourse community I have been in or I am still in. It involves online communication. Over all I think it`s a discourse community that I like because it allows me to communicate, share and learn different things that may make me a better person and which in general are part of me.