This website was certainly unique! It took me a bit to know how to navigate the site, but after a few bumps, I understood. Your essay was very nice and honest with what worked and didn’t work. That’s really my goal for this essay: to reflect on the process and see how you and your project evolved. Bravo for both!
As I stated above, the site was a bit confusing. I’m not sure if tumblr totally works with this assignment, but I’m not an expert on that platform, so perhaps a little tweaking would fix things. I’d also use a larger font for the interviews. I had to blow my screen up a bunch to read.
You also don’t have a section for your overall audience, etc.
This website was certainly unique! It took me a bit to know how to navigate the site, but after a few bumps, I understood. Your essay was very nice and honest with what worked and didn’t work. That’s really my goal for this essay: to reflect on the process and see how you and your project evolved. Bravo for both!
As I stated above, the site was a bit confusing. I’m not sure if tumblr totally works with this assignment, but I’m not an expert on that platform, so perhaps a little tweaking would fix things. I’d also use a larger font for the interviews. I had to blow my screen up a bunch to read.
You also don’t have a section for your overall audience, etc.
100 points (out of 100)!