Course Description

This beginning photography course explores the foundational concepts of light and exposure. Using dSLR cameras, professional lighting equipment and software*, the student develops compositional skills and the ability to control photographic style to create visually engaging photographs.

*if this course is being held online due to an emergency, students will meet learning outcomes using alternate tools and equipment.

Credits, Hours
2 cl hrs, 2 lab hrs, 3 cr

COMD1340 sect: OL98

Class Meeting

Online information:

In-person location: not available

Faculty Information

Professor Pelka

Online office hours/information:

  • By appointment: Thursday 12:00 – 1:30 or by another arranged time

In-person office hours/location:

not available

Contact Information:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 917-794-0709

Learning Outcomes

Through hands-on technical exercises and creative assignments, class discussions and critiques, students will demonstrate:

  • accurate use of vocabulary related to photography to describe photographs in written and verbal peer critique
  • visual literacy to analyze the meaning, the aesthetic value and the technical competency of one’s own work, the work of one’s peers, and the work of professional photographers.
  • understanding of camera functions
  • ability to use light, composition and exposure to to convey a point of view in a photograph. 

Teaching/Learning Methods

  • Technical exercises
  • Creative exploration of photographic style
  • Peer-to-peer critique
  • View and discuss the work of 20th century and contemporary photographers
  • Readings and video resources by and about photographers

Required Equipment


You will need a camera to complete the coursework. 

You may use a camera phone but you must use the Lightroom Photoshop App to gain control over shutter speed and ISO.

Resource for buying a camera:


You will need lights so that you can control the light for some assignments. You can use:


  • White and black cards or poster board to reflect and block light.

Recommended Equipment


  • A tripod keeps your camera still so that you can use longer exposures.

Required Software

This course will give instruction in how to use Lightroom Classic and the Lightroom Photoshop App. You may use Lightroom instead just note that the interface will look a bit different and you will need an iCloud subscription.

If you will be using a camera to do your coursework, you will need access to Adobe Lightroom Classic and Photoshop.

If you are using a cameraphone, you will need the Lightroom Photo Editor App, sometimes called Adobe Lightroom Photoshop.

Lightroom Versions

Lightroom Classic works with photos on your hard drive. Best for professional photographers who are managing hundreds of thousands of photos.

Lightroom is a cloud-based application so you can edit your photos on any device.

Lightroom Photo Editor/ Lightroom Photoshop App allow you to shoot and edit photos on your mobile device.

Academic Integrity Standards 

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.


Attendance is taken and is important to success in this class. Both absences and arrival more than 15 minutes after the start of class will be marked. If excessive, the instructor will alert the student that they may be in danger of not meeting the course objectives and participation expectations, which could lead to a lower or failing grade.

Office Hour is mandatory. You must meet with me twice during the semester. This will be reflected in your final grade.

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