
Cindy Sherman                                                Andreas Gursky

Phillip Lorca diCorcia                                      Elliot Erwitt

Sebastiao Salgado                                           Roy Decarava

Diane Arbus                                                    Richard Avedon

Sally Mann                                                      Annie Lebovitz                                   

Dorothea Lange                                              Shirin Neshat

Carrie Mae Weems                                         Steve Mccurry

Barbara Kruger                                               Gordon Parks                                     

Vivian Maier                                                    Josef Koudelka

Alex Webb                                                            Edward Burtynsky

Lee Freidlander

Google the above photographers and find someone whose work you like. Not liking anyone is not an option.   Submit a 500 word essay on the photographer of your choice

Essay should contain the following:

  1. Biographical background and general description of the type of photographer’s work   When you google the photographer you will find more complete information in articles from the NY Times or info for galleries.  Also you can go to galleries that represent the photographers to see more of their work

2. Why did you chose the photographer

3. Chose a photo and use the following questions as a guide for your discussion of the       chosen photo.   This should be the major part of the essay

  • What is the content and subject matter of the photo? Describe the photo.
  • What strikes you about the photo?
  • What do you relate to in the photo?
  • What do you think the photographer is trying to show?
  • What compositional elements are used to convey and emphasize the meaning of the photo?  ie :  framing, point of view, balance (symmetrical  vs  asymmetrical ), foreground/background relationships, scale and perspective, repetition of form, frame within the frame, lighting, tonal and color contrasts, use of line to move eye through image.  (You don’t have to use all these but you should use some that apply.)

HINT: Do not cut and paste Wikipedia info.  Any info should be in your own words.

           The discussion of the photo should be at least 1/2  the essay

            If possible attach image

Essay due last class at the latest