Select a group of objects that together tell a story about you.

These objects should reflect your interests, activities, and or memories

  1. Using direct side light shoot 3 different arrangements of the objects
  • For each arrangement shoot using 2 different angles
  • For each arrangement shoot 2 detail shots filling the frame
  • Total 12 photos

2. Using soft light,( indirect window light ) shoot 3 different arrangements of the objects

  • For each arrangement shoot using 2 different angles
  • For each arrangement shoot 2 detail shots filling the frame
  • Total 12 photos

Total due = 24 photos

Be aware

  • Be careful about framing and composition
  • Make the backrground not distracting ( use black or white board)
  • As you work you may have to use exposure compensation to get a proper exposure
  • Use white card to fill shadows if necessary
  • Images are not usable if shutter speed is too slow and are soft
  • Images are not usable if ISO is high and there is a lot of noise
  • May have to use tripod (cup for phone) with self timer

Upload images to flickr in album HW9

Upload 2 best to group