K Pelka | COMD1340 - OL98| Fall2020

Week 7 Midterm Critique


  1. Anai Ortiz

    A photograph I found interesting and identifies the term long shot was by Kiana Fraser, they capture everything giving us a full view of what is in the environment. This is a great photo overall and the way the shadows and light play together.

  2. Kiana Fraser-Handel

    The photograph of the tall building by Anai Ortiz demonstrates a good use of fill the frame and a low angle shot. She uses a great angle and caught a good view of the building, giving us a detailed photograph with interesting contrast. The photograph was very well done.

  3. Anath-El Jean-Pierre

    I appreciate the blurred motion picture that was shot by Jill Keller. The blur really brings out the colors. The lines formed by the blurring effect are all different in their own way, but they all add a neon/vibrant element to the image. Great picture Jill.

  4. Jill Keller

    In Anath-El’s image I see the contrast of the bright sun light and the parts of the building in the shade. I like the reflection in the window and I also I like the mystery of the dark open door. I was wondering if the image had been sharpened as I’d love to see more details.

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