Michelle Olmo  

Discussion: 1 

Professor: Pelka  

  1. What does finding your voice mean?  Ones voices is our essential mean of correspondence and articulation. The greater part of us can’t go for excess of several minutes without utilizing it. We don’t just utilize our voice for simply talking however, our voice can be utilized to do a variety of things.  
  1. Pick one of the photographers and describe their process of finding their voice? In the “Kitchen Table Series”, Carrie Mae Weems created a narrative with facing pages of photographs and text. The images are black-and-white, stripped-down photographs of Weems, who is African American, by herself along with others at a kitchen table, staging scenes of everyday life that examine racial and gender stereotypes and calling attention to the constructed nature of photograph. Also, it is the most commonplace private and communal space. She plays many different characters a friend, parent, breadwinner, lover, a woman who resists classification, a woman of the world, of political conscience. 
  1. How can you find your own voice? I can find my voice by being able to understand myself, developing my own tone, and my own values. To be able to follow what I truly care about. When you follow what you truly care about, you honor who you are, what makes a difference to you and what you are really passionate about, your voice will distinct and it will show.