What does finding your own voice means?

-Finding your voice means understanding what you are able to portray through a certain role, whether it is something you want to pursue or show to the world. Its an expression of yourself that only you are capable of creating or finding.

Pick one of the photographers and describe their process of finding their voice

-In the video “Interview with Dawoud Bey”, Dawoud unfortunately lost most of his hearing, however that didn’t stop him from finding a way for him to express his ideas. Photography was an outlet that allowed him to communicate in
other ways such as his sense of sight to convey his messages. Street photography was something he genuinely wanted to pursue, specifically in Harlem, that conveyed a deeper representation of peoples lives. Shooting raw photos of places where history resonated allowed for a greater impact on many people without having to explain the setting.

How can you find your own voice?

-By just simply finding what you are passionate about, what causes or issues that you want to voice out and change. Finding who you are as person in general. It comes naturally when u least expect to discover it.