K Pelka | COMD1340 - OL98| Fall2020

Discussion I

1) Finding your own voice means…
Finding your voice involves expressing your perceptions through different channels to open or engage in a social/personal conversation.

2) Pick one of the photographers and describe their process of finding their voice…
Dawoud Bey suffers from a hearing loss. He uses it as a testimony and motivation to prove and continue his work. He immerses himself into an environment that speaks to him to capture what he feels in the moment. He also aligns his work to raise awareness to various ongoing issues in society that are not in the spotlight in order to start a conversation with the public. I believe his dedication to photography helped him find his voice and also provided him with a heightened sense of perception, physically and socially.

3) How can you find your own voice?
I can find my voice through channels that allow me to follow up on ideas that I’m passionate about.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Stay passionate and experiment

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