K Pelka | COMD1340 - OL98| Fall2020

Discussion 1

  1. What does finding your voice mean? To me, finding my voice is finding my rhythm, my tune, my sense of self. Finding and honing in on what distinguishes me and what brings me joy while learning to step into it confidently. 

2. Pick one of the photographers and describe their process of finding their voice 

I chose world-renowned photographer, Dawoud Bey because he not only captures black people under a complex light, but his work captures more depth of surfaces, too deep to ignore. Towards the end of the interview, he reveals that the camera ‘became a way of having a voice in the world’. Bey used the loss of his hearing to highlight his ability to see and capture images more profoundly. I believe he found his voice through capturing not what was seen but what he felt and wanted others to see and feel.

3. How can you find your own voice? 

I am learning to find my voice through living more intuitively. Trusting myself, along with the process, while paying attention to how I feel when I’m inspired; and what it is exactly that inspires me. I talk to myself whenever I see fit and enjoy letting ideas flow through me organically. When I feel inspired, I prefer to act on it immediately if possible, rather than forcing myself to constantly plan and think of ideas (though I do enjoy a challenge).

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Intuition and trusting yourself are extremely important.

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