K Pelka | COMD1340 - OL98| Fall2020

Discussion 1

1.   What does finding your own voice means?

Finding your own voice means to be able to express something that you are passionate about and that you enjoy. Having the power to freely voice your own opinion in any form like writing, art, photography, etc…

2.   Pick one of the photographers and describe their process of finding their voice

Carrie Mae Weems used an intimate setting, that in her own home called “The Kitchen Table Series”. She used a single light source hanging over her kitchen table. The series what meant for African American women but it expanded to all women that can relate to what the pictures shown. It was based on different aspects of social living arrangement. 

3.   How can you find your own voice?

You can find your own voice by digging deep into what you enjoy the most. Figure out a way of showing how you want your voice to be heard by your audience so that they fully understand what you’re expressing.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    We find our voice by examining our personal experience and trying new things and challenging ourselves

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