K Pelka | COMD1340 - OL98| Fall2020

Discussion 1

  1. Finding your voice means to find ways to express your work. It means to be able to find a way to describe what motivates your work, what makes you want to express the work to people; and the meaning behind it.
  2. Carrie Mae Weems uses her kitchen table to find her voice. She uses her kitchen table and light to make series of photos that shows how the social life of women in a domestic household can be. The photos ranged from interactions with children, friends, family and a husband. Through this process she is able to express her work by showing how women are battling with family and social standing with men. They show her motivation to express the message about what women battle with in a domestic household.
  3. You can find your own voice by searching for what motivates you. Search for what motivates you to express your work and the meaning behind it. Observe what makes you want to have your work out in the world.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    Good ideas. Only thing i can add is the photographers found inspiration in their experiences.

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