Watch video before doing the rest of the homework

Walk around during the day find 6 different scenes, or subjects you find visually interesting.

Working the subject: For each of the 6, shoot what you feel looks good in the frame, then shoot again using 2 different angles of view. Then move in closer and shoot againand then 2 more points of view

Shot list for each of the 6 scenes or subjects

  • first shoot of what you feel looks good in frame
  • shoot again using 2 different angles of view
  • move in closer and shoot using 2 different angles of view
  • You should have 6 photos for each of the 6 subjects
  • Total 36 photos

Make 3 photos that utilise the rule of thirds

Make 3 photos that utilise frame within frame

Upload the 42photos to Flickr Upload 5 best to the group

Do not photograph cars ,babies, fire hydrants, flowers, bridges over water although a part of a bridge is ok