Working with direct light, shoot2 different arrangements of multiple objects to make photos of shadows in which the shadow is a main component but not the only subject. There should be different light levels in each photo. Pick objects with interesting shapes and textures. No electronics

For each of the above shoot one shot with the light coming from the side, one from the front and one behind subject. Note side and backlight will have the most shadow. If cant move the light, change your position or subject in relation to the light

  • If you are shooting with a camera, use the monochrome setting. If you are shooting with the Lightroom Photoshop App, us the high contrast B&W setting.
  • Use Exposure Compensation to make the shadows to be dark without making the whole image is too dark
  • Make each composition dynamic by using at least one of the compositional principles discussed this semester.

Upload the images to flickr. CW5

Pick 1 best post to open lab. Discuss which compositional principle you used.

Also why you chose these two. Post to student post/ lab5 shadows