Using direct light ( bright light from the clip lamp) find a plant that has different levels of light falling on it.That means some parts of it is light and some parts are dark . Light going through leaves is particularly fun to work with.

A) Photograph the plant with dark background, with the plant itself having different lights and darks.

  • Frame and compose shot. Move in and fill frame with parts of the plant
  • Focus and shoot ( this will be an average light reading)
  • Make the image darker by using exposure compensation. On your cellphone, press the part of the scene in the light and that you want to be in focus. Then pull the little sun icon down to make the scene darker. If working with a camera, use negative exposure compensation to get the scene to be dark with more detail in light areas.
  • Repeat above making the image more darker which will make it low key lighting
  • You should 3 different exposures

B) Repeat A but with a different composition

C) Photograph plant with a light background or light coming from behind it

  • Frame and compose shot
  • Focus and shoot ( this will be an average light reading)
  • Make the image lighter by using exposure compensation On the cellphone move the icon up. With a camera, use positive exposure compensation. There should be some detail in darker areas but the light areas shouldn’t loose detail
  • Repeat above making image brighter which will make it high key lighting
  • You should 3 different exposures for the same shot

D) Repeat C but with a different composition

Upload all images to flickr CW4 album

In a post Pick the best image from A and best from B.Explain what you did. Why do you feel these are the best. Use image gallery. Photos should be next to each other. With explanation underneath

In same post,Pick the best image from C and best from D.Explain what you did. Why do you feel these are the best. Use image gallery. Photos should be next to each other. With explanation underneath

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