Research projects and /or paper:

  • The first semester of Term Paper: Tobacco Cessation and youth age

Tobacco cesation Final term project

This paper delves into the detrimental effects of tobacco use, emphasizing the risks associated with electronic cigarettes, a popular choice among youth. Highlighting over 7,000 chemical carcinogens found in tobacco products, including nicotine, the discussion underscores the link between tobacco use and various health issues, such as oral cancer and periodontal diseases. Despite widespread awareness of these risks, many individuals struggle to quit smoking due to factors like socioeconomic status and cognitive-behavioral patterns, compounded by withdrawal symptoms upon cessation. Nevertheless, effective tobacco cessation interventions, facilitated by healthcare professionals like dental hygienists, couldĀ  boost increase cessation rates and preventing relapse. By offering personalized counseling, support, and access to cessation programs, healthcare providers can empower individuals to overcome tobacco addiction and improve their overall health.

  • The second semester of Article analysis: Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Coating of Dental Implantsā€”Past and New Perspectives

dental implant paper

The article analysis comprehensively discusses the significance of dental implants and the complications that can arise post-implantation, leading to implant failure and systemic infections. Through reviewing of existing literature, the authors explore various coating materials historically used, such as silver, copper, zinc, and antibiotics, highlighting their efficacy in reducing bacterial adhesion. Despite advancements, challenges such as cost and loss of osseointegration remain. Through a thorough examination of coating materials and their effects, the study underscores the importance of ongoing research to develop optimal coatings that not only prevent infections but also promote osseointegration. As dental implants continue to gain popularity, understanding implant coatings becomes an important for dental hygienists to deliver effective care and maintenance, ensuring optimal oral health outcomes for patients.

  • Oral pathology research paper : Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD)

term paper–Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD)

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD), a viral infection predominantly affecting infants and children under the age of five. It discusses the etiology of HFMD, highlighting Coxsackievirus A16 (CA16) and human enterovirus 71 (EV71) as primary causative agents, and outlines its clinical presentation, including symptoms such as small, painful sores or blisters around the mouth, hands, and feet, accompanied by fever and discomfort. The paper emphasizes the importance of differential diagnosis to distinguish HFMD from similar conditions like primary herpes simplex gingivostomatitis and chickenpox. Additionally, it addresses the diagnostic methods, treatment options, and prognosis of HFMD, stressing the need for supportive care to relieve symptoms and prevent dehydration.Ā Overall, the paper underscores the professional relevance for dental hygienists, highlighting their role in early identification, patient education, and infection control practices to mitigate the spread of HFMD in dental settings.Ā