Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location
  • Video Recording: To be added after class

To-Do Before Class

  1. Complete the design thinking Mind Map and writing that we started in class.
  2. Post a new image to the Visual Library that demonstrates the vocabulary word: Organic Shape Add the tag: Organic Shape to your post.

Materials Needed

Items from SUPPLY LIST**

  • Dropbox/Google Drive access.
  • sketch book (9″x12″)
  • Bristol pad (9”x12” 2-ply smooth plate finish)
  • graphite pencils (Venus or similar 6B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H)
  • pencil sharpener (basic metal)
  • small box/container for your supplies (find or reuse)
  • Pigma Micron inking pens + big brush Set
  • portfolio to protect your work
  • 1 roll drafting or removable tape
  • metal ruler

** Note: if you are unable to purchase these items due to financial aid delays, please contact me BEFORE the next class.

Discussion: New Vocabulary

Figure/Ground: The relationship between positive and negative space. Figure and ground are equally important compositional elements.
Turner Duckworth

Stable Figure/Ground:  A figure/ground relationship that is demonstrated when a form stands clearly apart from its background. A stable figure-ground will generally have an imbalance of figure and ground (70%/30% or visa versa), but the compositions feel unified. The ground “supports” or surrounds the figure.
John Currin | Henri Rousseau | Coca Cola

Ambiguous Figure/Ground: A figure/ground relationship that challenges the viewer to find a point of focus. The figure and ground seem unclear. An ambiguous figure-ground will generally have a closer balance of figure and ground (50%/50%) and the differentiation between figure and ground become blurred. Often the figure (positive space) will intersect the boundaries of the frame.
Casa Rex | Coca Cola Campaign | Juan Gris

Discussion: Visual Library

The Visual Library is part of your Participation grade. When prompts are given, such as “add an image that represents the visual concept: Economy” you will be given credit for that prompt. The more you contribute (following the guidelines), the better your grade!

Let’s take a look at the images you posted to your Visual Library, specifically those posted using the tag: Organic shape, but also any that could be described with the terms Geometric shape, Figure (positive space), Ground (negative space), Economy, and Unity.

Let’s take a look at your images and try to talk about them using some of our new vocabulary.

Peer Critique: Mind Map

You will be paired with a partner to share your mind map and provide feedback.

  1. Checkout How to Comment and Critique before you meet with your partner.
  2. Read and reread the Project Guidelines (Discover) before providing feedback.
  3. When you critique another designer’s work, your job is to understand the designer’s goals and provide feedback to help them to achieve those goals.
  4. Based on the Mind Map guidelines did your partner complete the task?
  5. Share your ideas about curiosity with your partner. How are you ideas different or similar to your partner’s ideas?

Discussion: Thumbnail Sketching

Thumbnail Sketching –
[Enter your library card number and PIN to log in to]

Project #1: Define

Let’s read through the guidelines for the Define phase of this project together. We will be reviewing concepts, asking questions, creating lots of thumbnail sketches, and then refining them in preparation for the Development phase of the project.

Breakout Lab

  • Work on your thumbnail sketches.
  • Individual meetings with Professor.

To-Do After Class

  1. Follow the guidelines for refining your thumbnail sketches (Define) and bring your refined sketch to class.
  2. Prepare (see materials list) to work on your inked sketches next class.
  3. If you didn’t contribute to your Visual Library yet this week, do so! Consider adding two images. One that demonstrates ambiguous figure-ground and another that demonstrates stable figure-ground. (Examples: Coco-Cola 1 | Coco-Cola 2)

Materials needed for NEXT CLASS

Items from SUPPLY LIST**

  • Dropbox/Google Drive access.
  • sketch book (9″x12″)
  • Bristol pad (9”x12” 2-ply smooth plate finish)
  • graphite pencils (Venus or similar 6B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H)
  • pencil sharpener (basic metal)
  • small box/container for your supplies (find or reuse)
  • Pigma Micron inking pens + big brush Set
  • portfolio to protect your work
  • 1 roll drafting or removable tape
  • metal ruler

** Note: if you are unable to purchase these items due to financial aid delays, please contact me BEFORE the next class.