Essay #1 DUE Today (Monday 10/8)

Just a reminder that Essay #1: Interdisciplinary Dictionary is DUE today!

You need to post your final essay on the Interdisciplinary Dictionary by midnight tonight. (Please do not include your heading in the post.)

If for some reason you do not post by midnight, you still have three days to post your essay with late penalty– the final deadline is midnight on Thursday. Remember that your essay loses a full letter grade for each day it is late.

For Monday October 1st…

Just a few reminders…

The following is DUE at the beginning of class on Monday:

The following is DUE at the beginning of lab on Monday:

  • Peer or Self Review sheet from last Monday (9/24)
  • OPTIONAL: Essay #1, Draft #2 *you will not lose points if you choose not to hand in a second draft*

Other due dates to keep in mind:

  • Final version of Essay #1 due (via email) Monday, 10/8
  • Essay #1 draft (or drafts) with my comments to be handed in Wednesday 10/10 at the beginning of class
  • HW #9 on Subject Verb Agreement will be due on Monday, 10/15