Announcements + Reminders

Exciting Invitation

The whole class has been invited to have lunch in the Janet Lefler Dining Room on Tuesday!

In case you don’t know yet, that is the name of the Hospitality Management Program dining room in Namm where all of you will eventually take class/work.

The lunch is this upcoming Tuesday 12/4, beginning at 11:50am and ending by 1:15pm.

You will be joined by some of the professors in your department (perhaps some whose classes you will be in next semester?) and a few other HMGT students at City Tech.

Your peer mentor, Tingting is in the culinary class and will be helping in the preparation and serving of the meal.

You MUST send me an email today (Thursday) if you are going to attend. 

I know some of you don’t usually come to school on Tuesdays–neither do I– but this will be worth your time. Plus, it’s a free fancy lunch!

We can discuss this on Monday, but make sure you send me your RSVP email TODAY!

Essay #2 and HW for Monday 10/29… *UPDATED*

Essay #2:

  • If you did not receive your 2nd draft with corrections at the end of the midterm, you will get it back on Monday.
  • The final version is due on Monday 11/5.
  • General Correction Comment #1: Many of you did NOT use the worksheet I handed out on “Incorporating Sources”– and you need to! Go back, look at it, and figure out how to incorporate it into our essay.
  • General Correction Comment #2: I usually only mark your grammar mistakes in one or two paragraphs, BUT those same mistakes continue throughout your essay (unless I note otherwise).
  • You have three options for how to deal with grammar corrections: (1) Using your notes from class and other resources you may have, identify and fix the issues yourself. (2) Get extra help from a tutor in the Learning Center, located on the ground floor of the Library Building. (3) Come to my office hours, and I will sit and go through the whole essay with you.

HW for Monday 10/29:

  • Read “Williamsburg Renaissance,” by Jessica Guerra [Fun fact: this is the same Jessica who now tutors in the Learning Center!]
  • Print and bring a copy of the article to class.
  • Complete HW #12 on this reading.
  • Read Research Project Packet, pages 3, 4, 5, + 7.
  • You do not need to print these pages because I will be giving each of you your own copy of the Research Project Packet on Monday.
  • PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! The Research Project will be our focus for the rest of the semester, and there is a lot for you to learn.  Start yourself out on the right foot, by reading the introductory pages thoroughly.


Essay #1 DUE Today (Monday 10/8)

Just a reminder that Essay #1: Interdisciplinary Dictionary is DUE today!

You need to post your final essay on the Interdisciplinary Dictionary by midnight tonight. (Please do not include your heading in the post.)

If for some reason you do not post by midnight, you still have three days to post your essay with late penalty– the final deadline is midnight on Thursday. Remember that your essay loses a full letter grade for each day it is late.

For Monday October 1st…

Just a few reminders…

The following is DUE at the beginning of class on Monday:

The following is DUE at the beginning of lab on Monday:

  • Peer or Self Review sheet from last Monday (9/24)
  • OPTIONAL: Essay #1, Draft #2 *you will not lose points if you choose not to hand in a second draft*

Other due dates to keep in mind:

  • Final version of Essay #1 due (via email) Monday, 10/8
  • Essay #1 draft (or drafts) with my comments to be handed in Wednesday 10/10 at the beginning of class
  • HW #9 on Subject Verb Agreement will be due on Monday, 10/15