After a week of classes, we were allow to explore Paris or wherever our adventurous minds take us. This morning, me and 13 of my classmates decided to explore the Palace of Versailles. The Palace of Versailles and its gardens form one of the most famous world heritages in France and stands out as the finest and most completely achievement of French art in the 17th Century.
Starting in the Royal Courtyard, making our own way around the different parts of the Palace and cross through the gardens and groves to visit the two Palaces of Trianon and Marie-Antoinette’s Estate. We saw statues, paintings, furnitures, water fountains, gardens, groves and beautiful architectures.
What a wonderful day in Versailles!

Diana Room-Former Louis XIV’s billiard room and ballroom. Decoration made of Campan, Rance and Carrara marbles.