Author Archives: Samael

Rungis Market Visit

Today we had the opportunity to visit the Rungis Market, known to be the largest wholesale market in the world. Due to the fact that the market operates mainly between 1 and 11 AM, we made sure to be up and ready to take the bus at 3:45 AM, probably the earliest field trip I have had in my life, totally worth rising early. Rungis is composed by five huge markets within the complex, Fish, Meat, Dairy/Cheese, Fruits and Legumes, and Horticulture markets. Accompanied by our gracious tour guide Philippe, we received a very detailed tour of the fish market as well as a brief tour of the other four markets, this gentleman is very passionate about the history and logistics of his company, which made the tour a lot more interesting.

Besides having a lot to sell, this market also has a long story to tell, one full of interesting facts our tour guide was pleased to share. We split the time between the tours and the bus, which was used by Philippe as a scenario to tell us the history, fun facts, and operation processes of the Market. It was overall a great experience, and I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to visit such important food trading market.


Fish Market

Mr Philippe (Tour Guide)

Meat Market

Cheese Market

Horticulture Market
