Author Archives: Edith Munoz

3rd day at Brunoy


Today to say that the least was an interesting day. I cannot believe we are almost done with the Thomas Ahrens International Study Program! The days flew by so quick. Today we met at 7 a.m. at the lobby of the hotel. Then, we headed to the school very motivated to learn more pastry/culinary skills. It was our third day at Institute Saint Pierre. Let us take a glance at what the day consists of.

Different types of macarons.

In the pastry lab, we made macaroons. Macaroons are very common in French culture. Professor Sandrine said that the macaroons are usually eaten the next day because they can be steaky. Today we made different types of macaroons. We made orange blossom, chocolate, passion fruit, and salmon with ricotta cheese, exotic and lemon. We didn’t get to try the lemon macaroon because the cream did not set, but on the bright side, we should be having them tomorrow! I decided to do chocolate macaroons although it was a challenge. On the bright side, all the macaroons came out amazing!

Macarons in process.

In the culinary lab, they made veal wrapped with chicken roulette, potato, cauliflower with spinach, and a sauce. The sauce contained veal stock, raspberry coulis, raspberry vinegar, beer, and sugar cane. Which was very amazing! Everyone loved the sauce especially Professor Nicolas. He said the sauce was très très bien! They also accommodated Christine because she is allergic to nuts and hops. They did a separate batch so we all could have a great lunch all together as a family.

Moon placing the potatoes into the steamer.

Looks and tasted amazing! Thank you group B!

Passion fruit macarons.

Oh, David! These are the results when you overdue the coloring!

I hope you enjoyed reading what our day contained! Tomorrow we’ll have special guests in the dining room. Stay updated with the next post which will contain special memories that are about to come to an end.