Day 12(6/20/24)

Today group A went to the Ritz hotel for their pastry class. After they finished group B picked them up at the Ritz and headed towards the Louvre to find a quick lunch before meeting up with the professors. Professor Zinder led the Belly of Paris tour which touched on the history of Paris and how in medieval times Paris was an enclosed city by a wall called Wall of Philip, which wasn’t as big as Paris is today. We passed several famous restaurants and an old market area by the Eglise Saint Eustache. This market was once the largest markets in Paris, now it is the international market of Rungis. We ended the tour at Stohrer one of the oldest patisseries in Paris, opened in 1730 by one of King Louis the 15ths pastry chefs and ate baba rum as well as some chocolate eclairs. After being dismissed, some of my classmates and I went back to the church area to shop at the flea market.

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