June 1st, 2015
A new start!
First day of summer was commemorated by beginning of 2015 exchange hospitality student program. Although the weather was raining, that day was illuminated by the smiles of two groups of students and professors from Paris and NY. “Hello, how are you?”, “Bonjour, je m’appele Laura”, “Enchanter”…you could hear a lot of greetings in French and English.
Hospitality Management Department of City College of Technology held this incredible event in a dinning room providing with tasty food and good service. Students were exploring maps and exchanging tips about “must see places” and “must taste dishes”.
This exchange program is a significant step in hospitality career path for students. Thank you who helped us to make it true!
Left: Inspiring speech of Bonne August, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Right: Professors Wall Jasper, Sophie, Cecile, Thomas Santamaria from SCP surrounded by students.
Left: Russell K.Hotzler, President of New York City College of Technology, and Sophie, Professors of University d’Evry.
Right: Russell K.Hotzler and Professors of Hospitality Management Department
Under this friendly interaction that was sweeten by pastries and fruits the City tech students attended second french immersion class. Professor Damien Duchamp was amazing playing a role of french waiter. Merci Prof for all your tips, videos, cautions and encouragements.
Wish all of us a great time! Pack wisely, fly safety!
A bientôt!