Individual strengths

We all have strengths and weaknesses. Here are a some of my strengths:
I am a type C personality and I always take great pride in doing my work accurately. I am very well-organized, careful, detailed, cautious, and pay very close-attention to detail. I am an intelligent, conscientious and caring nurse. i give extreme importance to details, follow through and evidenced based practice.

I am extremely reliable individual and I have outstanding time-management skills. I am task-oriented and I get things done. My professionalism, respect, and politeness are some of the necessary strengths that allow me to successfully navigate the world and the nursing profession. My self-discipline, determination, hard-work ethic, confidence, ability to hyper-focus, passion for learning, and intelligence.

My confidence and courage permit me to overcome difficult tasks and chase my dream. I am very patient, attentive, nonjudgmental, and reliable person, as well as accepting of others, and these qualities permit me to comprehend others better during interpersonal interactions.

I am lucky enough to have a great deal of strengths that permit me to function professionally and socially.

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