Highlights from Seminar 3: Designing your OER

Finally posting materials from our third seminar! Thanks for some great discussions – hope these resources will stimulate further inquiry/dialogue.

Card sort activity notes

Here’s a list of possible menu items generated while brainstorming-

Assignments (listed twice)
Assignments + Resources for assignments
Course outline
Course overview
Weekly course outline
Grading policies
Reflective writing
Resources (listed twice)
Syllabus / Course outline
Tips for success

Plus Michael and Lisa’s notes on questions students likely want answers to:

-What am I supposed to do?
-When is it due?
-How am I doing?

Click on the images below to enlargepicture of group notes

picture of group notes

picture of group notes

picture of group notes

One thought on “Highlights from Seminar 3: Designing your OER”

  1. Why do I need to know this? might be an additional question that students may not ask an instructor, but students responses to that question can affect how and when and if they decide to engage in the learning goals/objectives.

    Are learning goals/objectives explicit? not just written on the syllabus. Are they used as reference points or guide posts at specific points during the semester?

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