The comedic fantasy film ” Scott Pilgrim vs the world”; centers around a nerdy struggling guitarist named Scott Pilgrim[Michael Cera] that does what ever it takes to secure his new relationship with a mysterious girl named Ramona Flowers[Mary Elizabeth Winstead] who just moved to his town , and to achieve that goal his must reluctantly defeat her seven evil exes. Through out the film you can see how Scott Pilgrim’s love and passion for Ramona grows while he also endures hardships in his own life such as his failing music career as well as dealing with his exe girlfriend dumping him and becoming a famous pop star.
The film is based on the graphic novel ” Scott Pilgrim” by Bryan Lee O’Malley, and the film adaptation captures the same artwork and imagery while displaying the content of the plot from one scene to the next. Another element that drawn me to this film are the many video game references through out the story ” The movie is like the entirety of American youth culture crammed into a single package: its about love, alienation, video games, comic books, chord grinding, indie/punk, dead-end jobs, and evil ex- boyfriends” says Christopher Lloyd, of Sarasota Herald tribune and I would agree with him because this movie I very relatable to our modern life; minus the fantasy aspects of course, and you can also sympathies with Scott Pilgrim’s Character.
The one thing that I feel the film could of done better on was not making it to much of a generic “boy meets girl, boy saves girl” comedy; the movie tends to lose a bit of originality when it seems like all Scott Pilgrim wants to do is have sex with Ramona, but in the end of the movie he redeems himself by actually pursing what truly makes him happy
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