Author: Mauris Lopez

Homework 9/20

My date danced like a free bird that was caged.

The rain pelts my skin like plants being water on a hot summer day.

The world is a theme park thats full of different roller coasters.

Romantic comedies are skills of language and communication that we use.

The wind blew like if the sky was falling.

Love me as much as a teach loves to teach.


In plain American which cats and dogs can read

This sections was the section that most caught my attention. It was very funny to me reading the heading. I had a flash back well not a flash back more of a thought. I sometimes find it hard to understand some poems either because of the wording that are being used in the poems or honestly It just didn’t really understand it. So I felt like this was very relatable. Poetry is something you can understand a different form of communication that isn’t to difficult something that could be relatable. A lyric poem is like singing and speaking if you’re to be expressing emotions through a verse of song or a poem.

The Art of Poetry with Robert Pinsky

When I think about poetry the first thing that pops in my head is creativity and imagination. Yes poetry is also a different type of communication because it allows you to express yourself however you want. We as humans sometimes do do good with communicating with other and we say things that may not make sense to others but with poetry it allows you use it as form of communication to be able to communicate with someone on that type of level.It’s a different type of language some might even say a different type of love language, because poetry speaks all of us differently. We all have different imaginations and ideas. I honestly feel that with poetry you’re able to do exactly that. and that be able express yourself.


Mauris Lopez (INTRO)

Hey guys, My name is Mauris Lopez but if my name is complicated for you, you can call me by my last. I recently just got back into school after almost two years of being out. I recently become a mom and it’s been the best thing in the world. Don’t get me wrong its been a ride and a lot of changes especially because of the pandemic but  I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I was born in the Dominican Republic and came to United States at the age of five. Ive practically been living here all my life, I love to dance and I love music epically my cultures music. I recently just moved to corona queens after living in the Lower East Side for about six years before that I lived in Brooklyn. As of now i’m not really doing much but just trying to get myself and my life together trying to find balance. Right now I’m a full time mom, a full-time student and full time fiancé. I was really nervous and anxious about starting college again after being out for so long, but I took the leap of faith and I did what I had to do to pull through and come back to college. I am very proud of myself.


This Is my world. My baby boy Aiden. He’s my first and I got really lucky, I wanted a boy and I got it. Its been an amazing experience and he has shown me so much he makes better each day. Everything I do is for that boy, I’ve grown and changed so much since my son. Know I understand some of the things my mother use to tell me while growing up, that I’ve lived through with my son. My son has mad me value my mother so much more I thank god everyday for this blessing. Even though my son wasn’t planned he couldn’t have came eat a better timing. I lost my grandfather the same year my son was born, I was five months pregnant and the day after I found out that my son was going to be a boy my grandfather passed. It was hard but I’m thankful for my family and my son that help me throughout this time.