Category: Discussions (Page 9 of 14)

Brandon Rios


My name is Brandon Rios, and my pronouns are he/him. I currently reside in Brooklyn, New York, where I was born and raised. Currently, I am a fourth-semester nursing student here at Citytech. I have always felt my calling in life was to help people and be an advocate for those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds or don’t have the means to do so. Since then, I’ve had a strong interest in the health care field, in particular nursing; this is where I felt I could make a difference and have an impact on individuals with health care disparities. Outside of school, my hobbies include lots of self-care and spending time with friends and family because, at the end of the day, those are the ones who matter the most.


Attached is part of a sentence from an email that a professor from the department wrote to me. I had just been denied admission into the nursing program for the semester that I had applied to, and I was filled with discouragement. During this period of time in my life, I was at a crossroad that was met with so much uncertainty. However, despite my emotions, this professor saw so much potential in me and encouraged me to reapply for the fall. Eventually, this professor and I became close, and she became my mentor and wrote to me exactly what I needed to hear during this period. That specific sentence she had written almost four years ago has resonated with me since then. A lot of my success and progression in the program were due to her because of her belief and faith that I was meant to get admitted into the program and eventually become a nurse.


Glory Omoruyi

Hi everyone, my name is Glory Omoruyi and I am Nigerian. I was born and raise in Nigeria, I moved to the United States in 2016 and I currently  live in Brooklyn. I major in health communication and minor in psychology. My  pronouns are she/her and  I like a lot of things but I’m mostly into art like,  music, movies , dance and so on.

I will say that my family and friends are very special to me and they are bonds that I’ve built  with love over time and  I wouldn’t trade them for anything else. I can’t post their pictures because I know  they value their privacy and wouldn’t  like to be on a school work site. Another thing that is very meaningful to me is my personality. I know everyone love themselves and find on fault in themselves but I can say for a fact that I am a very straight forward person  and also very diplomatic , which meaning  I  am not bias and won’t intentionally hurt anyone or made them feel less about themselves.  And also I like to say that , I Love how I see things and how open minded I am and these are the things that matters to me.

Taylor Edwards

Hello everyone I’m Taylor Edwards. My pronouns are she/her. I’ve lived in NYC my whole life but my dad is Jamaican and my mom is Jamaican and Asian. My major is currently Mathematics in education. I’m on the road to graduate next year and hopefully become a teacher. I currently work as a teachers assistant which is super fun because I’m doing what I love.  One of my hobbies is traveling, I just recently got back from Barbados which was a blast. Some other places I’ve been is Aruba, St. Lucia, Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua which have been super amazing. I’m hoping to travel to the UK next year.

Heres a picture of me and my sister at a concert. My sister is honestly my best friend and we do everything together. One of our favorite things to do together is going to concerts we’ve been to way too many this year. My sister is meaningful to me because I feel like we are really inseparable which is a little bit of a problem but she is a built in best friend and she honestly makes my life a little more enjoyable and entertaining.

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