Category: Discussions (Page 8 of 14)

Fiama Palaguachi

Hi my name is Fiama Palaguachi and my pronouns are she/her.  I was born and raised in Ecuador until the age of 8 and then moved to the US with my family. I currently reside in Corona and I will majoring in a teaching degree. I originally came to city tech for a nursing degree, however I’m going to transfer to Queens college after this semester to major in teaching. To be more specific I’m looking to became a English professor once I graduate college, I enjoy reading and writing and I recently discovered that writing and learning things through any type of literature was one of my greatest passions. One of my biggest concerns would be that many of our rights are shifting backwards instead of moving forward in history.

This is one of the pictures I took of the sunset, which is one of my favorites things of summer time. I mostly worked this whole summer break and didn’t do much. But I enjoy finding new places to eat and different cafes to visit.

Nia James

Hello everyone! I go by Nia, and my pronouns of choice are she/her. Brooklyn has always been my home, and though I initially aimed for a radiology career, I’ve shifted gears to nursing in my second semester. Enjoying the city involves leisurely park walks and delightful picnics. Whenever I travel, Jamaica holds a special place in my heart, as it’s my family’s ancestral home. As of right now one of my concerns is the elderly being able to make laws in office.

These are my cousins, and they are very meaningful to me because they always support me and always listen to me.

Jimmy He

Hello my name is Jimmy He and my pronouns are he/him. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and I am majoring in computer science. I enjoy coding on my free time and I am currently learning JavaScript. When it comes to sports, I am a big basketball fan as I grew up playing at local parks. I also go to the Gym every now and then but I am still working on being more consistent.  The only issues I have would be the increase in gas prices.

This is a picture of my dog. No it is not a chihuahua.  Her name is Tokki (toe-key) and she is a miniature pinscher.  I got her about 2 years ago when she was 1 years old from a family friend. She has been with me ever since. She is  extremely energetic and a little stubborn at times. But for the most part, she’s the best.

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