Category: Discussions (Page 5 of 14)

the first American settlers.

Mouhamadou bah




Discussion: one scene that I found very interesting was when they decided to leave the homes they have known for so Long in search of a new one because of the enforced religion they were living under. they traverse the the harsh seas the long winters in hoes of finding a place to call their own. And I think that is the bravest thing someone could do in that time was leave the known in search for the unknown.

READING: In praise of new Netherlands 1634. the first poem written in and about New York

this reading is about a man who was one of the first settlers in New York City, he was a poet named Jacob Steendam. the reading talks about Jacob life as one of the first settlers .it talks about his life before, as in where he was from, his ethnicity and his parents it also talks about when he cane to New York as in the job his had, the poetry he wrote, the places he’s been  and the memories h’es made. for examples it says that because of his passion for writing poetry, he sought others who had the same passion and even joined a literacy circle run by a famous dutch person called Jan Zoet. But he realized that he needed more money so he decided to get a real job with dutch west India company, an organization heavily involved in trade specially in tropical regions. soon after he came back from his post in Ghana he decided to Mary in 1649.he also visited other visited other places with his wife for work related reasons. what I found most interesting in this whole entire reading is the the poetry he wrote about New York. I found it very fun to read and easily understandable. it says when he returned to Poland  he got rehired by the dutch east India company. soon after he and his wife got sent to to the East Indies now known as Jakarta, where he continued to write and owned an orphanage and died of old age.

VIDEO: history of new Amsterdam

in this video the narrator talks how the americas came to be formed. they talk about  the how the early settlers slowly ceased control lands from the ingenious people. they colonized the country by bringing trading companies and ships so that they can take the resources to their countries. also how they tricked the Indians by taking so much stuff and only giving them trinkets with only $20. and just like the America’s was own by the white American’s, and there are so few left of those who owned it the first place.



Week 2 Assignement

Video: “History of the iroquois(five nations)”

-One thing I found interesting about this video is how all the 5 factions were able to co exist with eachother and not even spark conflict. The five factions being Mohawk, oneida, onondaga, cayuga, and the Seneca. They were able to coexist with each other because they joined together to create the Iroquois confederacy to keep the the peace between them and to solve any problems. Whats also facinating is that all of the tribes were independent of eachother and they were able to really build a civilization for themselves because of all the houses they built (long houses) and were able to share the hunting grounds and not get into conflict with each other. Something I found disturbing about this video is that it all came down when the American revolution came around and it pretty mush diminished any power the confederacy had.


Reading:  “Without Indigenous history, there is no US hostory”

-I find this article to be very truthfull in my opinion because no one is really American. I feel like the only americans are the indeans because they were the first people to live here and everybody is an immagrant. America is built on immigrants but the true founders or people who were living here were the native americans and I just found that point in the article/ title to be very interesting and kinda true. I also found it messed up that the federal government sized all of their land through 300 treaties.


Week 2 Assignment

Video: “Lost History: Rediscovering the Taino People”

When watching this documentary, it left me dismayed by showcasing the real history of where Taino people came from. What disturbed me when watching this documentary is how poorly and overworked the Taino people were being treated. The amount of violence the Taino people had to endure was absolutely disturbing to hear. What I found fascinating about the documentary is how much pride Taíno people took on being Taino. To add on, what I also found to be disturbing is how a Spaniard accused a Taino of stealing leading to the Spaniard cutting off the Taino’s ear. What I found interesting about the film is the history of Taino heritage.

Reading: “Letter of Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to america,1492”

In the reading what I find interesting is that Hispaniola is the most accessible place for gold mines. To add on, another thing that I found interesting about the reading is Christopher Columbus perceive on people’s native heritage. One thing that disturbed me the most while reading this letter is the monsters that supposedly possesses canoes and eat human flesh.

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