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The Quote

Mouhamadou bah




                                                                                       Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams” (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

This quote from the reading Self-reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson spoke to me very deeply because it tells us to focus more on our dreams and goals, not just the problems we encounter while following our dreams.

This quote made me realize that recently I have been focusing more on the problems and pressure I have been facing in my goal to be a doctor and the uncertainty of my future. For example, the problems I have been facing in school, keeping my grades up, the pressure I feel at home from not being able to deliver good results, and the uncertainty I feel in my field of study. I felt terrible that I might not achieve my dream and I have been trying to solve it by doing more extra credit stuff in classes and stressing even more.

This kind of negative emotion made me wonder if I should follow my dreams and keep going or give up on them and choose something else instead. But after I read the quote, it me realize that I love my dream and achieving is not/and will not be easy so instead of feeling bad about myself and my dream, I should work harder, do better, and hopefully achieve my goal.




the declaration of independence

Mouhamadou bah


Prof: Noonan


The Constitution of the United States.

In reading the constitution of the United States, talks about the declaration of U.S. independence and cutting ties with the British monarchy. I found the article beautifully written; it gave me shivers. The article states everything they want and hopes the United States could be such as principles of liberty, equality, and justice for all. This tells me that the Constitution was created for the people and the country’s freedom and equality, it is fundamental for its rules and laws to be followed. But even though this Constitution was established, people still had slaves back then, and those slaves did not consider themselves free or equal to their slaves. For example, Thomas Jefferson one of the people who helped create this constitution was a slaveholder himself and according to records he had many children with his enslaved women this great irony tells me that even though he helped create the constitution, he did not believe in it yet. later set the women and children free of servitude, but he still kept some slaves even when he was out there spreading the word about equality and fairness, I think that he should have seen the errors he was making because it makes his words very worthless.

Another fact women did not feel that they were equal to men until around the 1990s and they had to work extremely hard for it and they still do to this day.

Phylis Wheatley: she was one of the greatest poets of her time and has inspired many people to this day. But before that, she was a slave who was taken by slaves in her home country Gambia from a very young age and had been one for as long as she can remember. She always talked about freedom in her many published poems as if she were recording a dream diary, which means everything she wants most in life is to be free.

In the Declaration of Independence, freedom and equality are written and talked about in the whole article, but people like Phillys Wheatley did not experience that, even though white people like Thomas Jeffrey were screaming it at the top of their lungs for the whole world to hear, and I think that it’s kind of sad that not a lot of people paid attention to it during those times.

Abigail Adams: was the wife of Jones Adams, who was part of writing the Declaration of Independence. Abigail Adams believed that women should be equal to men and that her husband should instill the law that both men and women are equal. But to her surprise, the declaration was not written for men and not women. This led her to fight for women’s rights and her devotion inspired a lot of people mostly women to do the same it has achieved great goals because today women are held as strongly as men and there are women in the workforce, as police officers, doctors, nurses, pilots, CEOs, and there are even women in the white house.

There is still a lot of work to do but for now, let us enjoy this moment.






Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings 

  • Thomas Jefferson is an essential figure in the decleration of independence and he talked of freedom. Even though the declaration of independence was the groundwork for the new country it did house a contridiction within it. During Thomas Jeffersons personal life with Sally Hemings, he then freed all of her children but he fought for equality for all but at the same time kept many slaves

Philis Wheatly

  • The theme of freedom was frequent in her writings but contradictive to her situation. She was a slave and had been one ever since birth or she was born into slavery. She was a very good poet and published a collection of poetry. In her situation she was not free in the least bit like her poems but this brings attention to another contradiction ( kinda like a contradiction within a contradiction), the decleration of independences equality for all claim meanwhile she was a slave since birth a knew no other life.

Abigail Adams 

  • Abigail Adams in the wife of John Adams and he was part of writing the Decleration of independance. Abigail sent a letter to Adam about considering women apart of the new world and for women to be equal and for him to not make the same mistakes as his ancestors. This turned out to be a contradiction because the Decleration of independence promised equality for all men but people were slaves and at the same time leaving out women and are denied some rights.
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