Author: Akeria

Week 2 Assignment

Video: “Lost History: Rediscovering the Taino People”

When watching this documentary, it left me dismayed by showcasing the real history of where Taino people came from. What disturbed me when watching this documentary is how poorly and overworked the Taino people were being treated. The amount of violence the Taino people had to endure was absolutely disturbing to hear. What I found fascinating about the documentary is how much pride Taíno people took on being Taino. To add on, what I also found to be disturbing is how a Spaniard accused a Taino of stealing leading to the Spaniard cutting off the Taino’s ear. What I found interesting about the film is the history of Taino heritage.

Reading: “Letter of Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to america,1492”

In the reading what I find interesting is that Hispaniola is the most accessible place for gold mines. To add on, another thing that I found interesting about the reading is Christopher Columbus perceive on people’s native heritage. One thing that disturbed me the most while reading this letter is the monsters that supposedly possesses canoes and eat human flesh.

Akeria Banton

Hello everyone, my name is Akeria Banton. My pronouns are she/her. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. My family is from a Jamaican heritage. I am currently in my third year of college here at city tech as a Business &Technology of Fashion major here. I often enjoy reading and fashion.

The picture I have added is a picture of me and my amazing kindhearted best friend. She never fails to make me smile and laugh! I know if I’m ever having a bad day or just need anyone to talk to, she’s always right there to listen to my problems.