Mariam Otero

Hey everyone! I’m Mariam, she/her pronouns. I’m originally from Brooklyn, NY, where I’m raising my 7-year-old son as a single mom. My super sweet and silly son is my whole world and greatest source of joy. He keeps me going strong every day as I work to build a brighter future for our little family.

I’ve got a clear goal ahead, to start the radiology technology program in Fall 2024. Working in the medical field has always been my passion, and I fell in love with radiology from the start.

This picture shows why I never give up – my son’s big, beaming smile. His fearless confidence reminds me that with determination, anything is possible. He is my daily motivation to keep moving forward, even when life gets difficult. Finding balance in my life is tough, but I’m excited to see what’s in store for us on this journey. Our days involve a constant juggling act, but I’m committed to making this chapter count.


  1. Rujin Chen

    Hello Mariam,

    Hope all is well.

    Kids are always our motivation to put ourselves together. I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer with your little one.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Waleed yahya

    Hey Mariam!

    im planning on applying to the radiology program fall 2024 inshallah, good luck to you hope u get accepted and good luck with you future journey.

    ur kid looks so cute mashallah I hope he lives a happy life and support u in the future as u support him now.

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