ENG2201 Spring 2023


Hello all,

My name is Jamil and I use he/him pronouns. I’m originally from Oakland, CA but I’ve been living in NYC since about 2014. My major is Communication Design. I’ve been conflicted about this major though as I’m more of a fine artist rather than a designer. But I still enjoy it and want to see where this goes. I’ve had one foot in and one foot out of school since forever but I’ve decided it’s time to quit messing around and finish my undergraduate. So I’m definitely excited to get the ball rolling this semester. I’m currently living in Yonkers so I’m glad this is one less class I have to commute for lol. Some of my hobbies are: Drawing, painting, learning art history, writing, watching films/documentaries, talking politics, travelling, tinkering with computers, learning new languages, going to the library, etc.

Below is a drawing I did of Chadwick Boseman for an art class I was taking at City Tech back in 2021.  It means a lot to me for a couple reasons: One, he’s just someone who spread so much positivity and was so humble throughout his career as an actor. He accomplished so much and opened doors for so many others. When he passed, I was taken aback as I’m sure many people were. I realized there aren’t many people like him and that it’s important to be mindful of the impact he’s had on other people and likewise the world around him. And that if we could just incorporate the sort of love and compassion Chadwick had and apply that to how we treat each other, the world would be a much better place. And Two, it just marks a significant improvement in my technical skill as a visual artist. Although technical skill isn’t everything, I was proud of how far I’ve come with drawing. It’s been a passion of mine since I was a kid and even though it’s hard to keep the motivation going as an adult, I know it’s something I have to keep doing. I put a lot of work into this drawing and it shows.

Looking forward to meeting everybody!

Best regards,




  1. Michael Paige

    That artwork is phenomenal !!!

    • Jamil

      Thank you!

  2. Argelia Treadwell

    Hey Jamil,

    I completely understand having the one foot in and one foot out in regards to school. That’s how I’ve been most of my life. I’m glad you decided to come back to school to finish your undergraduate. You are very talented the picture came out amazing.

    • Jamil

      Thank you so much, Argelia!

  3. Nim Tse

    Hello Jamil

    I liked the artwork and Chadwick Boseman is a model we can look up to. With his dedication in his craft and the positive impact he had for his audience, it leaves a lasting impression. I hope you can continue to spread the passion and let your work continue to surprise us.

    • Jamil

      Thanks, bro!

  4. Mark Noonan

    Jamil, Your post and artwork are inspiring. Boseman was indeed a fine artist and caring human — two values I hope to be imparting in this course in spades.

    • Jamil

      Much appreciated, Professor!

  5. Sharnay Campbell-Anekie

    Hi Jamil, your drawing skills are spectacular!

    • Jamil

      Thank you very much, Sharnay! 🙂

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