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Finish Unit#2; Begin Unit #3 (Due: Tues., May 18th)

I am teaching the following summer course:

ENG2002-OL60 Introduction to Drama (Theater)  Asynchronous  May 28-July1




Please contact me with any questions or to set up a zoom meeting at mnoonan@citytech.cuny.edu

Check your grades on CHECK YOUR GRADE link (on the right)

Some Good News


For this week finish Unit #2.

Here’s a link to the assignment directions:   (UNIT 2) 

Upload this assignment to  GOOGLEDRIVE

Once Unit#2 is finished, begin Unit#3

Here is a link to the assignment directions: Unit#3

Upload this assignment here

Here is a sample essay.

A draft of Unit#3 is due Tues., May 18



Overview of how to write an annotation of each article:

Find 2-3 articles on your research topic  [use NYTimes, Google Scholar, or library databases (Academic Premier Search, Lexis/Nexis, Opposing Viewpoints)].  For each article:

  • Provide a bibliographic entry (author, title, source, date)
  • Provide a  short summary of article
  • Provide a reflection on the source, including your opinion on the content and why you chose to include it. Consider the  author’s use of evidence.  Consider the genre of the piece (is it an article, website, video).  Who is the intended audience?  What is the purpose of the piece?  Does the piece appear in a credible source (magazine, newspaper, website)?
  • Pull out 2-3 key quotes that are representative of the content

This will be the middle part of your Reflective Annotated Bibliography, or RAB, which will also include an introduction to your topic and a conclusion (about what your learned from your sources).


For anyone who couldn’t make or stay for the whole Literary Arts Festival, here is a recording of it. The first part consists of stellar student readings and the second half is the amazing Staceyann Chin performing her brilliant material.  Lots of food for thought as you work on your final writing project.  


At this time, you should be following articles in the New York Times so that you can find a topic on a current issue you are passionate about.  I’ll also ask you to find articles on the library data bases (Academic Search Premier, Nexus-Uni, Opposing View Points).

To get a free app for the New York Times, follow this link:  New York Times account

Here’s an interesting article on the topic of gun control that recently appeared in the New York Times: OpEd . It’s the type of article you will want to find on your topic — once you’ve chosen it.

Here’s an interesting article on Press Freedom in Hong Kong.

Here’s a link to your next assignment: (UNIT 2) 

Please also revise your Unit One essays, at which point I’ll post your grade.

TOPICS  LIST (by next Tues. 4/19 post your topic — and begin finding articles).

  1. Vaccine Hesitancy 
  2. New State Laws to Prevent Voting (especially in Georgia and other Republican states)
  3. Police Brutality 
  4. What Kinds of Opportunities Did the Pandemic Open Up (in jobs, education, life goals)
  5. NYC Mayoral Race 2021 (Andrew Yang, Eric Adams)
  6. Controlling the Pandemic (problems in Europe, Bangledesh, Brazil, Michigan)
  7. Businesses in Trouble after the Pandemic (Travel and Restaurants)
  8. Violence in America
  9. Mental Issues (due to the Pandemic)
  10. Marijuana Legalization
  11. Freedom of Speech Crackdowns (Facebook, North Korea, Myanmar, Hong Kong )
  12.  On-line Education
  13. Immigrant Issues on the Border
  14. Loan Forgiveness
  15. Free Community College (Professor Jill Biden, our First lady, continues to teach!)
  16. MAKE CUNY FREE?? –  Professor Jill Biden (
  17. #Metoo  –  Women’s Issue Soccer (NCAA, Basketball)
  18. Amazon  — Monopoly Concerns —  Union Fights — Neighborhoods
  19. Minimum $7.50 an hour — National Wage
  20. National Maternity Leave
  21. Gentrification (Massive Amazon Warehouses in Red Hook Brooklyn for example)
  22. Climate Issues –  Windmills Offshore,  Electric Cars (Examine President Biden’s Plan)


I encourage you to read one of Chin’s poems (which you could also discuss in your post — or use as an article for Unit 2).

These include: “Crossfire,” “Tsunami Rising,” “In Those Years,” “Raise the Roof,” and “Passing,” and watch her performances as well.


Today’s Class

  1. Register for Literary Arts Festival (Tues. April 13, 5-6:30 pm) LAF is seeking to profile City Tech Student lives: Submit photographs before pandemic/after pandemic/at work/at home to: CityTechLAF@citytech.cuny.edu
  2. Read op-ed written by legendary Congressman and Civil Rights Activist John Lewis, right before his death — which he knew was coming.

“Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation”

3. Watch this amazing commencement address Lewis gave at CCNY in 2019:

 CCNY 2019 Commencement Speech

4. Read the linked article on Huge Ma, developer of Turbo Vax. Ma created his site to help all Americans find vaccination appointments but shut it down for two days to protest incidents of anti-Asian prejudice (related to the mistaken belief that — fake news really — that China purposely created the virus — a lie perpetuated by former President Donald Trump).

5. Get New York Times App (free for City Tech Students):  New York Times account

Over the break, follow articles in the NYTimes and find a topic you are passionate about. Look up articles on the library data bases. We’ll continue with this assignment (UNIT 2) upon our return on Tues. April 6th

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