Head Start activity

During my long school pathway I have studied and learned different ways of communication that should be used with various groups of the population. We are all different people who have different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs and needs. Therefore, the way we are talking to a 4 year and to a 60- year-old individual differs dramatically. When we are working with little kids it’s incredibly important to apply “Tell, Show, Do” technique, to use short sentences and age-appropriate language, to smile and to be positive.
In addition to that, visual aids, pictures, videos, music, teaching-toys and other educational devices represent a great tool that’s should be used while working with the pediatric population. During my Head start presentation we were actively applying “Tell, Show, Do” technique. A small dinosaur puppet was used for demonstration of correct tooth brushing technique and for oral hygiene education. Moreover, we brought a pair of goggles, a mask and gloves and we asked kids why dentists use them and what’s the proper way to put them on. In addition to that, we played a short educational video about the little Giraffe whose name is Gina and who is afraid to go to dentist for the first time.

My overall experience was very positive. I adore little kids, therefore work with them made me
happy. I am glad and very proud I was able to share my knowledge and to educate children about
oral hygiene. I wish we had more time for that activity, but better less than nothing. All the kids
were very cooperative and seemed to be interested and engaged in our activities.