Previous Employment

I worked at the Checkings Department Internal Office at Chase Bank for 4 years. During the beginning years of college, I worked Monday-Friday 4pm-12am. There was a daily deadline of 12:02 AM. Before this time, all of the checks delivered to the office had to be prepped into bundles, captured into the system and then carefully balanced to ensure they were posted into the customer’s accounts the next morning. Monday-Wednesday were the busiest days because of all the work that piled up from over the weekend.

I am grateful for my experience at Chase because the most important skill I learned was time management. If the checks were not balanced by 12:02 AM, Chase was at a risk of losing customers. My boss always had a saying, “Treat the checks as if they are an actual person. You wouldn’t like it if your checks were not individually taken care of.” I carried those words into dental hygiene school. Time management is very important in the dental hygiene profession. Delivering optimal care to each patient, while tailoring each appointment within a certain time limit is one of the most important skills I feel I have developed.