
Ekonomi – Economy

Sweden’s economy has always been world leading. During the pandemic was no different, with its economy only going down 8.6% (Stockholm, 2020). Sweden did not have major suffrage like other nations did. What helped was Sweden’s approach at handling COVID. Their method proved to be the best, as they had low number cases and fully relied on their citizens to control the situation. Sweden, which relies most on international trade, has committed to becoming more sustainable by becoming more of a home-based economy. Sweden saw no recession and unemployment remained the same at 9%. Sweden’s no lockdown plan has proved to be well effective, as their logic is that the Corona virus is here to stay and the only way to get rid of it is to build “herd Immunity”(Miltimore, 2020)

Source: EuroStat/statistics Sweden (Q2) displays Sweden’s Quarterly percentages hand how they are doing.