A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio

Category: Outside Internship

App Review: Enki

I want to improveĀ at my coding skills in order to design aĀ better website in the future. In order to do that I have to rely on website that have tutorials to teach me how to code a certain language. Websites like Code Academy is great when I’m on my laptop. However, what about when I’m on the train or waiting fro a stop. I can rely on this app called Enki. It is a great app for android that helps me improve my coding skills by providing me information similar to code academy. It provides me fun mini gamesĀ and quizzes for any programming language out there. This app was provides help with languages like JavaScript, Python, CSS, HTML, git, Linux and Java. It hasĀ Ā tips, tricks and best practices . Ā Enki has definitely helped improve my skills in using programming languages like JavaScript to help improve my web design. The only downside is that the app is on an invite only basis and you need to sign up at their website for an invite code.


App Review: UXness

One of the apps that I use often is called UXness. It is for Android and what I like about it is that it has a vast resource of information about user experience. When I need to look up a certain terminology UX related I would just open the app and it’s available for me. It’s a good app for me to study about user experience when i’m on the train heading home so that it can help me in the future when I pursue a career in UX. There are also other things like finding interesting articles on Usability, User Experience design, Interaction design and Human Centered design. There are also quizzes about UX as well as step by step methods in UX designing such as preparing wireframes.

Trip to Cooper Hewitt

I wasn’t available to go to the Cooper Hewitt with the Internship class, but I was able to go there alone during the weekend. I think it was the same day when they had the New York Marathon going on because as I was heading there I saw people cheering fro runners near the park. I didn’t know it was free for CUNY students to go to Cooper Hewitt when I paid for it online, but it didn’t matter much to me.

At the Cooper Hewitt I was given a pen and explain that it was a digital logged pen where you record anything interesting you found at the Museum and save it in your pen. It was similar to a Pinterest where anything you see you can save it and show it on your dashboard of all the things that you recorded. I found that interesting and kept in mind when looking at pieces at the museum. Honestly, there wasn’t anything that peaked my interest. I did like seeing the miniature architecture buildings and some of the porcelainĀ vases were shiny and great to see on display. ON the third floor was filled with people’s architectural work but nothing that was worth noting. I did record somethings with the pen but I found ti too much of a gimmick.

Overall I did enjoy my time there and it was great to see historical pieces of art that you don’t usually see at a grander museum like the Met or MoMa. The digital pen log was a nice plus.