Since the head boss of the department want’s to form relationships between each design team he decided to plan a trip to the Dia: Beacon Museum in upstate New York. I wanted to get to know more about the other design teams in our department so I decided to go on Friday. We all had to meet early in the morning at Grand Central Station in order to take the Metro North up to the Beacon. Honestly it has been a while since I’ve taken the Metro North upstate and was excited for this experience.

It was a pretty sunny and warm day and the upstate scenery was very pretty during the Autumn season. I can see a lot of the autumn foliage near the museum and the front building of the museum looked very square shaped and symmetrical. In my opinion the museum wasn’t very interesting. I’m not too big of a fan of contemporary art pieces which the museum contained. We had a tour of half of the museum and as the tour guide was explaining various piece I wasn’t really catching on and couldn’t understand why someone would create such an art piece. I think if I studied more on contemporary art then I would have a appreciation of all the various things I was looking at in the Beacon.

During the afternoon we were provided with lunch so we all ate outside near the grass at the Beacon. The scenery was quite pleasant and the the lunch wasn’t that bad even though it was only a turkey sandwich. There was a bee flying around as we were eating and it was quite distracting. However, I learned more about the other designers at Viacom. I also met another intern Regina, who is a graduate student from NYU. I learned what she does as an intern and how she was originally from Norway and came to America to get her Masters Degree. Overall it was a nice day to form a relationship with other people at my department.