’s Profile

1,321 to 1,332 (of 4,425)
ENG2001 D538 Intro to Lit, Sp2019

ENG2001 D538 Intro to Lit, Sp2019

Ruth Garcia
ENG2001|Spring 2019

English 2001 is designed to develop students’ ability to critically analyze and understand literary works of fiction. Using close reading, discussion and various writing techniques, you will consider language, d […]

2020 Fall Term (1) Communication Design II COMD 2400 OL12[26425]

2020 Fall Term (1) Communication Design II COMD 2400 OL12[26425]

Justine Sanborn
COMD 2400|Fall 2020

In this course, students learn to refine their conceptual thinking, and the ability to apply design concepts across various media channels. This course challenges students to think and strategically apply […]

2319 Building Service Systems SPRING 2022

Professor Bryce
2319|Spring 2022

This course provides the student with a basic knowledge of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Electrical Systems used in residential and commercial-industrial buildings. Modern methods and […]


Professor Sean Scanlan
ENG2001|Fall 2021

In this course, we will study fiction across genres, eras, and locales. We will examine broad themes such as moving, family, home, and the individual.

ENG 1121 D490 Spring 2020

Aaron Barlow
ENG 1121|Spring 2020

English 1121 is a course in composition, reading skills, and core critical thinking skills. The class will explore many genres, discourses, and multimedia to explore many ideas and readings.

ARCH 2431 Building Technology III

Blake Kurasek
ARCH 2431|Spring 2019

Course focus is on steel construction. This course studies the development of building systems as they occur during the design development phase of architecture. The focus will be on steel construction. Using case […]

COMD1112, OL 07, Digital Media Foundations, Bauer, Fall 2020

COMD 1112|Fall 2020

This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. Lectures will provide students […]

HMGT1101 Perspectives in HMGT, Sprin 2022

Prof. Thalia Pericles
HMGT1101|Spring 2022

Prof. Pericles guides students through an overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are […]

ENT2370 Sound2 SP2021

ENT2370|Spring 2021

ENT2370 is a continuation of ENT1270. We will expand and refine understanding of all concepts presented in Sound1.

ENG1101 LC09 Fall 2020

Jennifer Sears
ENG 1101|Fall 2020

This is Professor Jennifer Sears’ online Fall 2020 ENG 1101 course. Students joining this site should make sure this is the correct section: ENG1101-LCO9. See you online soon!

ENG1101 OL74 Fall 2020

ENG1101 OL74 Fall 2020

Jennifer Sears
ENG 1101|Fall 2020

This is Professor Jennifer Sears’ online Fall 2020 ENG 1101 course. Students joining this site should make sure this is the correct section: ENG1101-074. See you online soon!

CT101 City Tech 101, Jan2022

Lynn Gernert, AIA, Jessica DeCoux
CT 101|Winter 2022

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various […]